Renowned for their irreverent, uncensored, sometimes vulgar style, compared to Plume Latraverse and Mononc' Serge, Orloge Simard takes to the Cabaret de l'Amphithéâtre Cogeco for an evening anything but ordinary on April 12 to celebrate the 10th anniversary of their album Aucun Cadre.
Formed in La Baie, Saguenay, in 2012, Orloge Simard has performed at the Festival d'été de Québec, Woodstock en Beauce, Les Francos de Montréal, Coup de cœur francophone and the Festival du folk sale. The band's 6 members were nominated in the Prix du public category at the Gala alternatif de la musique indépendante du Québec in 2017.
With six albums to its credit, several indoor shows, some of which sold out at Club Soda and Impérial Bell, Orloge Simard awaits all its Trois-Rivières followers at the Cabaret de l'Amphithéâtre Cogeco. A perfect show for music lovers in search of folk and rock musical discoveries, who like to be pushed around, confronted with highly imagery and uncensored lyrics, and who appreciate out-of-the-ordinary and different theatrical performances.