The Cogeco Amphitheatre removes more than 45,000 single-use plastic glasses!
8 juillet 2019

The Cogeco Amphitheatre removes more than 45,000 single-use plastic glasses!

First reusable glasses system in a theater of 3000 seats or more in the province of Quebec


Trois-Rivières, July 8, 2019 - The Corporation des Évènements de Trois-Rivières is pleased and proud to announce that it has made a sustainable gesture this season by eliminating all the single-use plastic glasses from the bars of the Cogeco Amphitheatre by opting for a returnable reusable glasses system. This important initiative will remove more than 45,000 plastic glasses annually. This is the very first theater in Quebec with more than 3,500 seats to opt for such a system.

 Halfway through its first sustainable development plan filed in 2017, the Corporation des Évènements believes that this choice was needed to do its part for the environment. The Amphitheatre had already taken a first step in the 2018 summer season by offering the option of reusable glasses to its clients. After a positive reception from its customers, the team decided to go ahead by replacing all the recyclable plastic glasses offered in its bars with a system of reusable glasses wearing the image of the Cogeco Amphitheatre.

Watch the explicative video:

How it works?

Available in three sizes depending on the chosen drink, reusable glasses are available at the bars of the Amphitheatre in exchange for a deposit of $ 2. The customer buys the beverage of his choice and gives an extra $ 2 in deposit for his drink. After having consumed his drink, the customer can take a new drink in his glass or ask to exchange it free of charge, or return it to the bars to get his $ 2 refund.


Extremely receptive and enthusiastic spectators

During the first two performances of the 2019 season on June 13 and 14, the reusable returnable glasses system was introduced for the very first time at the Cogeco Amphitheatre. These two evenings tests were a great success with customers.

"Even though we were very confident about the effectiveness and the importance of our project, we were excited to see the reaction of the spectators present during the first two summer performances at the amphitheatre. That exceeded all our expectations! Customers have not only responded positively to this change, but many have congratulated the initiative of our organization. " Says the chairman of the board of directors of the Corporation des Évènements de Trois-Rivières, Roger Picard.

An important step

The system of returnable reusable glasses is better known in Quebec for being present in festivals and some sporadic events and small theaters. With more than 100,000 spectators visiting the Cogeco Amphitheatre annually and a growing reputation both nationally and internationally, the Corporation des Évènements hopes this move will inspire other organizations to think sustainably by eliminating single-use plastic.

"Our sustainability committee has worked hard on this project, which marks a turning point in our organization's sustainable initiatives. With the strong environmental impact of the Cowboys Fringants, a band that inspired Cirque du Soleil this year as part of the exclusive Joyeux Calvaire show, it was very clear for the Corporation des Évènements that everything needed to be done to ensure the successful implementation of reusable glasses this year. Explains Steve Dubé, General Director of the Corporation des Évènements de Trois-Rivières.


Sustainable development in the centre of our actions

As mentioned earlier, the reusable glasses initiative came about first and foremost from the Trois-Rivières Corporation's Global Sustainability Plan. This plan can be viewed by downloading the following document. Many actions are also in place during the 2019 season with the aim of always placing sustainable development at the heart of our actions.


  • Offset greenhouse gases

Since 2018, the Corporation des Évènements has been offsetting some of the greenhouse gases generated by the presentation of shows at the Cogeco Amphitheatre by donating an amount to the Bourse du carbone Scol’ERE, an educational program offered in several Quebec elementary schools. that reduces the carbon footprint by the actions of motivated young people and their families.

Spectators are also invited to make a donation to the Bourse du carbone Scol’ERE directly when purchasing tickets on the Cogeco Amphitheatre website.


  • Provide water stations

Because Quebec's water is delicious, and in order to reduce single-use bottled water, the Cogeco Amphitheatre provides its spectators with fresh and filtered water stations. They can use a reusable glass available, buy a reusable bottle from the Cogeco Amphitheatre shop, or bring their own container to fill.


  • Offer artists reusable water bottles

New this year, artists performing at the Cogeco Amphitheatre are strongly encouraged to use one of the reusable water bottles provided by our organization rather than choosing bottled water for single use. In addition, all filling points have been clearly identified.


  • Sort the waste

Because we want to reduce the number of waste produced during our shows, multiple islands of tri-way sorting are available on the site of the amphitheatre and to encourage the spectators and the employees to dispose of their waste, recyclable elements and returnable containt in the right way.



  • Invite artists and employees to compost

The Cogeco Amphitheatre has had its own composter since 2018 and invites employees and artists to compost throughout the year.


Once matured, the compost will be used to feed the gardens of the event Les Délices d'automne.


  • Offer an electric shuttle service

Since 2016, the Cogeco Amphitheatre has offered to its spectators an electric shuttle service to facilitate their movements between various parking spots as well as the downtown area of Trois-Rivières. An ecological service greatly appreciated by our customers!

  • To be certify

Because it is important to have our actions validated by a third party, our organization has given itself the mandate to obtain various certifications from the sustainable development community. Thus, to date, the Corporation des Évènements is certified by the City of Trois-Rivières, has obtained the Performance Level (level 2) of Recyc-Québec, is accredited by Fairtrade Canada and holds the seal Entreprise je compense by the Bourse du carbone Scol’ERE.



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