Important informations for "Celine pour les enfants"
25 août 2016

Important informations for "Celine pour les enfants"

Trois-Rivières, August 25, 2016 – On August 30 and 31, the Cogeco Amphitheatre will have the chance to welcome one of the most famous singer in the world, Celine Dion, for two benefit shows for the "Celine Dion Foundation." On the eve of one of the largest gatherings in the Cogeco Amphitheatre, the Corporation des Évènements de Trois-Rivières team would like to inform you about how those events will go and give you more relevant information about facilities.


  • Doors open at 6 pm 
  • Beginning of the show at 8 pm
  • General admission: Chairs prohibited

Facilities will be provided to allow spectators with a general admission ticket  to safely be in line. Toilets will also be installed on site to meet the needs of people in line.



Draveurs Avenue – Free

Draveurs Avenue, the street leading directly to the amphitheater, can accommodate about 200 vehicles. Note that for some events the number of these parking spaces could be restricted.

It is also possible to park in the surrounding streets of the amphitheater.

Micro Sciences Park - $6

Capacity of 400 parking spaces, located about 700 meters from the amphitheater - Despite appearances, this parking lot is the farthest from the amphitheater, but it’s located on the Trois-Rivières sur Saint-Laurent site, where is located the amphitheater. Courtesy of Hydro-Québec, two electric shuttles that can accommodate 13 people each are available for spectators who don’t want to walk from the parking to the Amphitheatre Cogeco. You can also access the amphitheater by the beautiful bike path that is located on the edge of the Saint-Maurice River.

Click here to discover where is located the Micro Sciences Park

Harbor park - $6

Capacity of 135 parking spaces, located 350 meters away from the amphitheater - This parking lot is the most easily accessible and is located a short walk distance from the amphitheater. You can take the Ursulines Street, which leads directly to the Amphitheatre Cogeco.

For the location of the Harbor par, click here!

* Please note that for two performances of "Celine pour les enfants", the harbor park parking will not be accessible.

On show nights, parking officers are there to direct you to available parking spaces


Several parking options are available in downtown Trois-Rivières. Parking along streets are available for $0.25 per a 10-minute period (maximum of 3 hours) and $0.25 per a 5-minute period in special areas (maximum of 30 minutes). Timestamps must be enabled up to 5pm. Many parking lots are also available to the public.

• Badeaux Parking

• Underground City Hall parking

• Outdoor des Forges parking

• Outdoor Niverville parking


All information regarding downtown Trois-Rivières parkingspaces is available on this section of our website.



4:00 pm to 11:30pm

Pier: tourist information office (every 15 minutes)

Landing: rue des Ursulines

$ 1 per roundtrip


4:00 pm to 11:30 pm

Pier: Centre Les Rivières (parking opposite to the former Target), Carrefour Trois-Rivières Ouest parking at the entrance of the Fleur de Lys Cinema), Galeries du Cap (parking between Maxi and Bureau en GRos)

Landing: Cogeco Amphitheatre

$ 1 to go / $ 1 return

Please provide the exact change of $1 to go ans $1 to return. Passengers will stop directly to the Amphitheatre Cogeco.

The return shuttle will be at the exit of the site after the show. Please note that due to high traffic and exit time of the Amphitheatre Cogeco site, departures will be every 40 minutes.


August 30 and August 31

6:45 pm to 8:45 pm

Pier: Place Pierre Boucher (Casernes Street)

Landing: rue des Ursulines

Voluntary contribution


Taxis will be waiting at the landing stage of the Cogeco Amphitheatre and on Hertel street to take spectators home at the end of the show. Users must contact the taxi companies directly for an additional service:

• Taxi COOP Mauricie: (819) 378-5444

• Elite Taxi: (819) 374-4422


Disabled people facilities

Facilities for disabled people will be settle at the Cogeco Amphitheatre. Spectators that purchased tickets for these specific places in the sitting seats area must follow the directions written on their ticket for their admission to the site. A space will also be provided on the cantilever of the amphitheater to accommodate disabled people with a general admission ticket. It is necessary that people with disabilities use the identified DOOR 1 entry to use the access ramp.



On the site, the use of camera, video or audio recording is prohibited. Only medias accredited by the Corporation des Événements de Trois-Rivières are allowed to bring such equipment. The site is a non-smoking place. No smoking area is fitted in the Cogeco Amphitheatre operation area in order to follow new government standards. No readmission is permitted. Once out of the Cogeco Amphitheatre, it is not possible to go back inside, except for emergencies. This regulation also applies to smokers.


The following items are not accepted on the site of the Cogeco Amphitheatre:

• Food / beverages / alcohol / cans / glass bottles

• Animals (unless authorized animal such as a guide dog)

• Umbrellas, pararols or other objects that may obstruct the view of the spectators

• Cameras, audio devices, video cameras or similar device


It is prohibited to bring a professional camera with a detachable len or that is more than 200 mm long at the Cogeco Amphitheatre. Cameras that meet the criteria of the lens size are allowed. Pictures taken via mobile phone are allowed. Note that in all cases, the use of a flash is prohibited.


• Backpacks / bags / sport bags or any other type of bag

• Tobacco products, electronic cigarettes or any illicit substance (it is forbidden to smoke or to use an e-cigarette inside the Cogeco Amphitheatre, even on the grass esplanade)

• Bells, horns or any object or device that make noise

• Drones or similar devices

• Chairs

• Guns and knives or other object identified hazardous or harmful by security personnel.


The Cogeco Amphitheatre has no space to storage those target objects. Therefore, any person who is in possession of one of these any top one listed items will be denied access to the amphitheater and confiscate objects identified dangerous or harmful for spectators and staff. In this case, i twill not be possible to have those objects back.



Please note that at the entrance, all bags will be searched. During some event, Cogeco Amphitheatre security staff reserves the right to conduct a frisk search. Any spectator who does not cooperate in the search will be denied entry to the event, without refund.

The spectator will have to sit in the seat designated by his ticket and present it to any employee of the Cogeco Amphitheatre upon request. Management reserves the right to expel any spectator whose have a disrespectful or dangerous attitude that can compromise the success of the event, and without refund. Please note that once out of site of the Cogeco Amphitheatre, it’s not possible to go back inside. No readmission is permitted except for an emergency. This regulation also applies to smokers.


Ticket office

The Cogeco Amphitheatre ourdoor ticket office will be open during the following hours:

• Monday, August 29: 11 am to 6 pm

• Tuesday, August 30: 9 am to 9 pm

• Wednesday, August 31: 9 am to 9 pm


Spectators can collect their tickets at the ticket office on the day of the show.

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